If (this.changerState = ChangerStatus.Opened) In order for the device to call the following function inside the library public override void BeginTransaction()
#Cctalk Serial Interface code
In my code all i have to type is: DispositivoCF7000.BeginTransaction() I have been using ILSpy to open and explore the libraries provided and found this function that opens the device so it can recieve coins and store them Modification to recommended ccTalk interface circuit Circuit 1 - ccTalk. I've been working with the default libraries provided from the supplier which I can use in C#, however i want to see if its possible Find and USE a C# Function equivalent to the cctalk protocol and if possible use it directly into my C# code ccTalk Serial Communication Protocol - Generic Specification - Issue 4.6 Money. This specific coin acceptor CF7000 uses the ccTalk protocol Im looking fordward to integrate a coin acceptor into one of our divices.